Present and perform
1. How might you improve your work?

You have learnt so much about storytelling on screen! When your work is almost complete, it can be helpful to share it with a ‘test’ audience for feedback. Ask a friend, family member or teacher to watch your screen story, then discuss any ideas for improvements. Specific, helpful and kind feedback can help you refine your work before sharing it with a wider audience.

2. What can you share about your screen story?

Now that your story is complete, it is important to reflect on the successes and challenges of the project. Think about the following questions, then record your responses on the worksheet provided, or share your thoughts with a partner or the wider class.

  • What story are you telling about our world?
  • Why did you choose to share this story?
  • Who is your intended audience/s?
  • How do you hope the audience will feel when they see your work?
  • Share your process: how did you make the film?
  • What were the most challenging parts of the project?
  • What was most fun about the project?
  • What else would you like to learn?
3. How can you share your work with others?

There are many ways to share your screen story with audiences. Depending on the available planning time and resources, you might choose to:

  • Hold a ‘gallery walk’ in the classroom so that students can see each other’s work.
  • Host a screening for the year level, the school, or as a special event for family and friends.
  • Hold a film festival at your school or in the local community.
  • Enter your work into a film festival or competition.

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